
Grab 'n Run: Secure dynamic code loading for Android

A simple and effective Java Library that you can easily add to your Android projects to perform secure dynamic class loading operations.

Internet of Things. Applicazioni, sicurezza e riservatezza dei dati personali

Sono stato invitato dal Garante per la Protezione dei Dati alla giornata europea della privacy, con richiesta di fare un po’ di chiarezza sul fenomeno IoT. Questo articolo è una versione “verbosa” del mio intervento, che si incentra sui tre fattori che, secondo me, hanno contribuito a dar vita a questo fenomeno: tecnologia accessibile a basso costo, moltitudine di scenari applicativi e media.

AndRadar: Mobile app Marketplace Monitoring and Reputation Analysis

The main goal of this project is to provide a dashboard to analyze and monitor the spreading of Android malware in marketplaces. AndRadar uses lightweight fingerprints to lookup malware samples without the need to download them from the markets.

iSnoop: Automatic Eavesdropping from Touchscreen Keyboards

Spying on a person is an easy and effective method to obtain sensitive information, even when the victim is well protected against common digital attacks. Modern mobile devices allow people to perform some information sensitive actions in unsafe places, where anyone could easily observe the victim while typing.